Linzi Stoppard & FUSE World Official & Exclusive Swarovski Signature Violins On Display Pre-Show In St Petersburg.
FUSE Swarovski Signature violins on display in their boutique pre-show, St Petersburg
Together, Ben Lee and Linzi Stoppard have been captivating audiences in arenas, concert halls and clubs alike with their spellbinding mix of rock and pop with the electric violin.
They are the first electric string group in over a decade to sign to a major record label by credible traditional means.
No reality TV (despite offers), no stories, just talent and music.
They are setting the bar for a new breed of electric violin player, already looking like the first electric string to challenge convention showing the instrument is not just a classical cliche.
In the violin world FUSE were catapulted to a completely new level, the package was irresistible – Beautiful looking violinists, a new and modern sound, the twist on a classical instrument now clad in thousands of crystal creating a new world record in doing so, along side Ben’s two Violin Speed World Records, no violin group had managed to create such a wealth of interest, angles and attention when first bursting on to the scene.
For more information visit FUSE Official